Author's Interview

Hello I am really happy that I have this sweet conversation with Mr Piyush Gupta the author of 'The story that never started'.  

This book impresses me right from the cover, blurb and the story itself. I am really happy that I got this opportunity of taking the interview. Please find all the interview questions below. 

Ques:-  Why this title for this book?

 ✰✰The expectations of the characters bring them to nowhere, but their own fall. The story they had in mind was how they had planned their lives to be, but destiny outplays them. At the same time, it also teaches them lessons about life through a ride full of love, comedy, and tragedy.

Ques:- Who are all motivated and supported you to publish this book?

✰✰ My friends who made me believe that I have some material in my mind and my parents who were the emotional beam of my entire self, not just the writer part of me.

Ques:- What is your debut novel’s name?

✰✰ Technically, I love you!

Ques:- In a day how many hours you have spent or dedicate to write this book?

✰✰ Around 3-4 hours during that time.

Ques:- How long it took for you to complete this book?

 Around six months.

Ques:- Give some tips for the new budding authors like how to successfully publish a book?

✰✰ Never stop writing.

Ques:- What is your favourite genre?

✰✰ Thriller and Fantasy both have the same space in my heart. If a story has both of them, then the next day I might have dark circles due to it.

Ques:-  Who is your favourite author?

✰✰ G. R. R. Martin and J. R. R. Tolkien

Ques:-  The cover looks very thrilling, who selected this cover page for this title?

✰✰ One of my friends had had this idea of three faces on the cover page to show that the book has three protagonists for a long time. At the time of publishing, his idea found to be compatible with my publisher’s standard and the magic happened. 

Ques:-  Please tell us a few things or a sneak peek about your book "The story that never Started'.

✰✰ It’s a story of three guys: a murderer, a guy turned bisexual guy and a confused guy.

Hope you guys enjoyed this question and answers and please do check this book.


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