RAVANA-A Mistaken King,An Unmistaken Leader by Gaurav Kataria.

RAVANA-A Mistaken King,An Unmistaken Leader written by Gaurav Kataria. This book will come under the mythological fiction genre.

The reason for choosing this book is surely the title and the cover. The book is surely a different try for my taste.

This book totally has the three dimension and also twenty six chapters in it and all the chapters are named and numbered as well. This book is about Ravana who is narrating the story from his own point of view about him and also the instances which took place in the Ramayana.

This book really describes the deep and also the unknown facts of the Ravana. I really didn't think that even the character called Ravana will have so much into himself, right from his intentions to predictions etc all are said brilliantly. In this book Ravana just have not spoken only about himself he also describes and explained about the other Ramayan characters in the detail and also unqiue way. The explanation of the character presented in the book is given in the first few pages so that we can able to read and complete the book without any kind of confusions. The language and the vocabulary are good along with the good narration.

This book is totally different from the other mythological fictions. It's a different read.


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