Lost Love Late Love by Namrata Gupta

Lost Love Late Love written by Namrata Gupta. This book will come under the romance genre.

The name of the book is perfectly suitable for its inner content. The cover image looks so good and beautiful.
The main protagonist of the story is Kashika, she is in blind and deep love with Vivaan. Their relationship is not so good or smooth Vivaan is abusing her physically and mentally by holding her from being on her own self. After a long struggle, their relationship ended brutally and this left her in furthermore pain. There comes the new character as the healer in the story who is Vidit, who makes Kashika happy and pampers her and she grows stronger along with that her feeling for him to grows. But he is an engaged man. What will happen next? Will this love be successful for Kashika? To get the answers please do read the book.

This book is a short read and can be completed within one sitting or a maximum of one day. The main lead Kashika is a kind of character which can be related by most of the women at least at some situation in their life. The pain which she undergoes was also lively and can surely understand by every woman. The entry of the Vidit makes me say wow but the ending made me so disappointed, I really hate the ending of this book. The language is simple and easy to read.

This is a love storybook with not so happy ending. A story that can be a one time read.

Book link: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08XZRH76S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_D8BZBX71BRR2CX2NP0BC


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