Wild Pet by Rocsanne Shield

Wild Pet written by Rocsanne Shield. This book will come under the fiction genre.

The book cover looks perfect for its content and genre. This book is in the romance fiction genre.

The main protagonist of the story is Adrienne.  The story is full and full based and also about the life of Adrienne including fight, mental strength, bravery, and her romance. The story is set in the period of the 1290's so we can surely expect the fantasy and supernatural kind of the twist in this story.

I have not tried the fantasy fiction story which is happened in the year 1298 and Wild Pet is my first story to discover from this genre. This is a very big book which is close to three hundred and fifty pages and it took close to a week for me to complete reading the book. The language is very exquisite and rich and while reading sometimes we will search for that word on the internet. It is a very gripping and thrilling, adventurous story but very slow reading is needed to enjoy its taste to the fullest deeply.


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