Make Your Own Job by Wm. Hovey Smith

Make Your Own Job written by Wm. Hovey Smith. This book will come under the non fiction genre.

The term job and jobless was often spoken a lot during and even after this pandemic period and this book give me hope that I would find something new from the reading and that is the reason for me to choose this book. This is for sure a self help book.

The book has a total number of sixteen chapters and each chapter also have some sub chapters in it, so the book was written very well in a detailed manner. The book basically is about how to discover the job which you want and also suitable for especially under this modern and the present lifestyle. As the author has written from his own experiences it feels very trustable while reading the book. This book just not spoke only about the Job but also regarding the business too. If you want to know even more detail about the book just get your copy.


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