AUTHOR INTERVIEW Dr. Anitha Chakravarthy Sriram

Book Name: Jaya Vijaya Bharatha

Author:  Dr. Anitha Chakravarthy Sriram

1    1.  The cover of your book Jaya Vijaya Bharatha looks very gorgeous, tell us about the process of coming up with this particular cover.

Thank you very much.

During the journey of this book, I have myself learnt a lot of values. Indeed, I have realized the moral value systems one must follow in life. Pride and ego can destroy one’s morality very significantly. Bearing that thought in mind, I started pondering about conceptualizing the book cover. In the pages of my book, the significant characters who keep coming back again and again are Jaya and Vijaya. Their pride caused the mayhem. The ego of the sons of Brahma, Manasaputras led to an outrage.

When the proud Dwarapalakas (gatekeepers) of Vaikuntam took pride of their positions, they failed to realize the importance of Manasaputras. When they refused to allow them inside the holy abode, it angered the sons of Brahma who cursed them that they may take three births on the planet as mere Asuras.

However, this could have been prevented if at least one party tried to resolve the issue patiently. This cover is more of a lesson than anything else. Every time I see it, I realize what pride and ego can do to a person.


2.   2. The book Jaya Vijaya Bharatha is pure mythology or mythology-based fiction.

      The book is a compilation of carefully selected characters from the epics. Our Puranas represent the great insights invested by our forefathers to help preserve the cultural integrity of this land. They are not written simply because they wanted it to be a good read.  But it is written with an insightful mindset, more experience, and the idea of larger than life itself.

     Ramayana and Mahabharata are the greatest literary pillars India has given to the world. What makes it even more outstanding is the thoughtful analysis put forward by many scholars. Their advanced thinking has made us understand the so many ‘Why’s’, that we raise in our day-to-day life.

      All the languages in our Country have poets and authors penning the epics in their own way. It is always good to write a considerably good narrative for the younger audience. I believe that they are the future pillars of success and they ought to know about the magnanimity of our Ithihasas and Puranas.

     This book is from the pages of mythology. I shall rephrase it as pure mythology. I have preserved the elementary facts of the narrative and used a bit of creative freedom to vividly describe the forest and other surroundings. The rest of the story is a direct narration from the epics.


3.   3. What were the key challenges you faced while writing the book?

The biggest challenge I faced during the writing of this book was an author’s block. However, everything that happens should always have a positive approach. It is common to have an author’s block. Putting off the work for a day or two is acceptable. However, putting it off for a considerable amount of time is not agreeable.

When I faced an author’s block, I completed my second book, “Branches facing the Earth”. I believe that a writer can never go out of ideas. They don’t need to go in search of thoughts. It comes to them automatically.

4. Who all can read this book Jaya Vijaya Bharatha?

I have not written the bookkeeping age as a bar. Anyone can read this book. Indian mythology has never gone out of the market. Even today, when I visit the book store I feel pleased to buy mythology, even though I may know the plot already. I love to read it, particularly from another author’s view point. That is the reach Indian mythology has got.

The language used in the book is extremely simple. One will not need a dictionary to decipher the word meanings.

However, I take this opportunity to particularly appeal to the younger audience of men and women to read such books. By reading this book you may not emerge out to be a great scholar, but I am sure you will develop considerable courage and goodwill to remain stronger and face the situations of life in a more disciplined manner. These texts help preserve our cultural integrity and identity.

5.  How did you manage to write this book in your busy schedule? And by what time of the day do you prefer to write?

A full-time author usually has a fixed timing to write. Since, I don’t have a desk-bound job, having a fixed writing time doesn’t work for me. However, I usually plan my schedule well ahead. Also, it is essential to live your life, hence planning is important to discipline oneself.

But, let me put it straight, I would write everyday irrespective of my schedule. At least 100 words in a day. Never put off your work because that shouldn’t become a routine.  And why am I insisting on writing every day is because, over a period of time, you can develop an author’s block. It is really difficult to overcome it unless you have another solid plan. Keeping those days in mind, it is good to begin your book and make sure you flow with it every day.

6. As a doctor by profession and this looks like mythology which is totally contradictory, how did you manage to separate the two?

That is the beauty of our Indian household. When we attain a considerable aptitude of understanding, we begin learning about our epics. We are indeed very fortunate to be the first listeners of the epics. As I grew up in such an environment, the mythology bug always fascinated me.

I have never really distinguished between the two. Our scriptures have a scientific approach to every issue. We are probably not very aware of it. Our culture always followed science, but over the years due to over own ignorance, we have no idea why certain things are indicated and others are contraindicated.

Go back and read your ancient texts; you will find science everywhere. We only know a drop in the ocean but it is too deep to explore.  We may need many more years to just delve, leave alone learning.


7. What is your next book about?

My next book is a fiction called ‘Branches facing the Earth.’ It is a collection of short stories spiced with a supernatural element. I am sure the reader will be fascinated and entertained till the very end. Of course, I must mention that you will not have a boo-hoo of the horror shows. However, I believe that the readers may like some more than the others, depending on their personal fondness. But I am sure, no one would deem any chapter as less compelling. I have a lot of expectations from that book as well.




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