Author Interview

Author Interview


Book Name: A Break In Love

  1. What made you write “A Break In Love”?

“A Break In Love” was a result of years of observing how the age-old institutions of love and marriage were going through a paradigm shift due to changing priorities. The fast-paced world seemed to be taking a toll on modern-day relationships and I wanted to put a message out through this book. Prioritize relationships, give love a chance. After all, it really is the only thing that makes the world go round! 

  1. Being a senior corporate analyst, you can also write self-management books. Can we look forward to something like that from you in the future?

My profession as a senior business analyst is something I enjoy very much. There’s a lot of business writing I do on the job including proposal writing, report writing etc. I am also the editor for my company’s global newsletter which gets circulated across 30 countries every quarter. However, as far as books are concerned, I have to say that I haven’t thought about self-management yet. Of course, if the opportunity presents itself, I might think about it. 

  1. What are the challenges you faced while writing this book?

I think the biggest challenge was to manage my time. With a full time career and a family, time was a constraint. However, with the right attitude and a little bit of structured planning, I realized that I could manage it well. I made sure I took out at least an hour and a half every day to write and lo and behold, I finished the book!

  1. Is this story based on real life events?

Well, the story is a fictional tale based on my experiences and observations over many years. The plot and the characters are inspired by real people and events. That’s what makes the book entertaining and so relatable to its readers. In fact, readers worldwide have shared how much they were able to connect with the story and the characters. 

  1. How do you manage time for writing with the demands of your professional and personal life?

I’ve been writing since I was seven. Writing is like oxygen to me. It drives me, it inspires me, it keeps me going. I can’t do without it. So, it really isn’t a matter of choice. Writing is an integral part of who I am. As far as time is concerned, it’s all about structured planning. I make sure I write every day, for a couple of hours at least, sometimes more. 

  1. What novel things can we read in “A Break In Love”?

The central idea of “A Break In Love” hasn’t been done before. It’s a completely novel take on uncoupling and whether and how it can work for modern day marriages. It’s a smart, entertaining, and universally appealing central theme which hasn’t really been explored before. 

  1. Which is your favorite part/lines/scene in the book?

I personally love all the humorous bits, and there are many! Knowing that the central idea was a pertinent and relevant one, I wanted to keep things entertaining for the readers, so I included plenty of humor in the book. I particularly love the exchange between Lisa and Karan’s mother when she comes over to their house for dinner. I think it was a real scream. 

  1. Is there a takeaway from the book, for people in relationships?

Absolutely! Make time for each other, give love a chance. Don’t let other things take over so much that you forget to prioritize something that once meant everything to you. 

  1. Is there any adult content in the book?

Well, it’s a contemporary love story, albeit a relatively clean one. The focus is very clearly on modern day relationships and all the ups and downs that come with them. For more detail, you will need to read the book. 

  1. How much time will it take to read the book?

That’s a subjective thing. I know people who have read it in one evening and there are many who have savored it over several weeks. 

  1. Is this book recommended for all ages?

Above 16, yes! My 16-year-old niece and her friends loved it as much as my grandmother’s seventy-seven-year-old friend. And oh yes, men and women alike have enjoyed the book. In fact, several male readers have come back to me and told me that my understanding of the male psyche was totally on point. 

  1. Is there an element of suspense in the book? 

The book is a roller coaster of emotions, choices, and decisions. There are several unexpected twists and turns that will take you completely by surprise and as many of my readers have said to me, “Have you waiting and wanting, for more!” 

  1. Your most precious moment in the journey of this book?

Oh, undoubtedly the day it topped the charts and became a bestseller on Amazon. And yes, the rave review in The Times of India was very, very heartening. 

  1. Is there anyone who has played a vital role in your literary success?

There are many people. My parents, my husband and my son provide a loving and warm environment at home which encourages me to pursue my dreams. My fabulous literary agent, Suhail Mathur of The Book Bakers, is the best literary agent any author can wish for. He’s really been a wonderful support, every step of the way. My publishers, Vishwakarma Publications, have been thoroughly supportive and very professional, and it’s been wonderful working with them. My huge circle of writer friends who keep cheering me on with their love and support and of course, my lovely, lovely readers. After all, I write because they read! 


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