Little Tales of Big India by Sabra Patni

Little Tales of Big India written by Sabra Patni. This book will come under the short story genre.

The title of the book is kind of average for its inner content. I didn't like the book cover at all, compare to the story it was not at all matching.

When I bought this book I thought this book will have something about India, well yes this book has three stories in it all about the women/ girl-centric which is happening in India. The idea of the author is deeply appreciated because of choosing three different stories of three persons of different ages and who have different problems. The first story is about the working woman who was facing an issue on her daily Train journey and the issue is Exhibitionism and the second story is about the girl who stays on the roadside and goes missing, The third story is about..... Do you grab your book to know furthermore.

This book has three stories in it and out of that one story is based on real-life true events. The stories were not interconnected but all the stories were speaking about the daily issues women faces in Mumbai. Out of all, I like the story "The woman who Filmed a Naked name" because it was realistic and the climax of that story was so positive as well. The one issue that I found in the stories is their title it revealed the story's main plot so it kind of broke the suspense while reading. All the stories were positive to read and I like that. The narration is excellent and fast to read at the same time.


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