Rumour Books India Branches Facing The Earth by Dr. Anitha Chakravarthy Sriram.

Rumour Books India Branches Facing The Earth written by Dr. Anitha Chakravarthy Sriram. This book will come under the short story genre.

The title of the book is simple and even the cover image is average looking to me. When I compared it to the stories inside the book the cover image can be even better than this.

I like to read short stories once in a while when I get readers struck. I choose this book because of its genre, it is supernatural elements based on short stories. The book has ten short stories that were covered within one hundred and seventy-plus pages. So the stories presented in this book are not so short nor too long, it lasts for a good seven to eight pages each.

The stories are not so creepy or so scary but it has the right amount of thriller and supernatural elements in them. I have read some horror stories prior, but in this book, I have seen something unique, all the stories have sort of believable or we can say it has the vibe of our childhood stories that we have heard. The stories are happening in different places to different age groups of people so I can find a variety in them. The language of the book is very simple and understandable, even if you are a complete beginner you can surely read this book. A horror stories without creepiness and I love it.


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