A Crate of Rags & Bones by L.A. NOLAN

 A Crate of Rags & Bones written by L.A. NOLAN. This book will come under the short story genre.

This book has a simple and normal title. The cover image of the book may not look that scary but the inside stories were spooky.

Usually, I prefer short stories once in a while because they are easy to read. In this book, short stories are based on thrillers and horror kind genres. This book has twenty short stories in it and each story is of a different genre such as thriller, mystery, horror, horror thriller, etc. But all these stories are interesting and intruding to read.

This book has short stories with a different and unique kind of thrilling vibe to them. Each story presented in the book was totally different from the others with its own unique essence. I like how each genre of the stories was mentioned below each story title on the content page, which makes the reading easy by picking the stories by genre. The stories were not of the same length some were really short and some were a little long close to ten pages. Out of all I like the story A wolf by any other name as it has some twists in it that were unpredictable and the ending was so perfect, I love that story.  The character names were so easy to read and not at all clumsy and non of their names and stories were connected to each other. The language is easy and the vocabulary is polished yet understandable.


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