Book review - The Coronation written by Justin Newland

The Coronation written by Justin Newland. This book will come under the historical fictional kind of genre.

The book has a suitable and absolutely matching title for the story. The cover image is also the perfect match for the plot story.

The story is happening and is based on Prussia and its war in 1700.  This is not a pure historical book, this is a historical supernatural and fantasy-filled fictional story. The story narrated the war between Prussia and Austria.

This is my first book by the author and I like history-based stories so I gave this book a try. This book has fantasy or supernatural elements equally as historical elements. As I am new to fantasy reading, the reading felt a little hard for me. If you are not aware of Prussia's history you may find it hard to understand the story in one read and you need to reread to understand the same. The narration is clear and easy to read. I felt the language would be a little complex for the beginner. Also, I felt like I traveled to the complete 1760s historic fantasy world while reading the book. In this book, I really loved the clear and clean narration.


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