Do we need a basic Skincare?

These days online and YouTube videos are filled with skincare reviews and influencers' views. People who are not aware of basic skin care may fall into the trap of spending more and not getting the desired results that they need. 

Do we need a basic Skincare? 

Many used to say that our grandparents and parents did not even use any face creams they would just use one soap to wash the entire body including their face and talcum powder that's it. Yes!!!!! I too agreed to the same, they had good skin with strong hair. But I have a few questions now please answer Yes or No to that.

1. Do you follow the same lifestyle as your grandparents and parents such as walking or cycling alone when you need to travel?

2. Do you think you are getting the same amount of nutrients as them from the food you consume?

3. Do your food habits and social outings' food menu look exactly as or at least similar to your parents?

4. Do you think you have the same level of pollution and UV Rays that your parents and grandparents underwent?

If you got at least 3 answers as No, then you definitely need basic skin care which is the right amount of product that was used for a consistent period to show results and lifelong to follow.

On average an Indian needs just 3 to 4 steps skincare routine for healthy and beautiful skin and not more than that 

So what is basic skin care?


1. A cleanser/ Face wash

2. Moisturizer

3. Sunscreen preferably SPF 50 above

4. SPF lip balm


1. Oil Cleanser or cleansing balm (To deep cleanse and remove the sunscreen residue)

2. A cleanser/ Face wash

3. A chemical exfoliator (Just once or twice a week)

4. Moisturizer

5. Vaseline/ Lip balm

If you follow this basic skincare consistently throughout your life for sure you will certainly have healthy and glowing skin. You can ask what about Vitamin C, Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, etc. You can use that if you have existing issues and they are quite powerful as well. But my point here is If you follow the basics correctly the issue won't arrive at all.

Choose the product according to your age, climate, and skin and use it wisely with consistent and of course a healthy lifestyle and diet to get good and healthy skin. Dring more water you won't need Hyaluronic Acid, and eat Vitamin C you won't need Vitamin C serums. The main reason why our grandparents and parents had good skin is because of their active lifestyle and healthy food habits so be active and move yourself daily.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or dermatologist, for any underlying issues do visit the doctor and I am just sharing my own life experiences here.

This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023


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