Book review : Roar of the Dark

Roar of the Dark written by Aastha Rathod Naad. This book will come under the women's fiction kind of genre.

The title of the book is simple and suitable for the story. Just like the cover image of the book, the story too has a darkness in it and I like this symbolization of choosing this cover image for this great story.

I am someone who likes to read women's literature or women-centric stories, but these days those types of stories are very low in numbers. Once I read the blurb I got to know that the main characters in this story were women so it will be a women-centric story and that one reason is more than enough for me to choose this book.

First thing first I would like to appreciate the author for taking such a bold theme and narrated it beautifully in this book. I heartily appreciate her efforts. Once I opened I book I saw chapter one titled 'Judgement Day' and that intimated to me that this book is gonna be an absolute rollercoaster read.

The main characters of the story are Meera, Maheen, Joe, Kalika, and Veer though the story revolves around all these four I feel like Meera was the center character of all. The story is happening in Mumbai, and all four women are from different backgrounds has different lifestyles and thought processes as well but all these four women interconnect with one another at one point and the story starts its real spike from there.

This story has love, lust, pain, innocence, thrill, etc in it. Out of all I like the character Maheen as that charcter felt so lively to me and she is my favorite one. I like the timeframe that the author has chosen for this story and it adds a wow factor to the story. The portrayal of the story was very unique in this book, just like in a movie a scene was disclosed in the first chapter and the flashback/recap of that first chapter was the rest of the chapters. The entire story narration also felt like I was watching some movie because of the jumbled storylines in each chapter, though it was jumbled it was very clear and beginner-friendly too.  Some chapters were small and some were kind of big according to the scene that is happening in the story I love this mix and match in the chapter's length because it provides an intriguing reading experience.

Though this book is a fictional work, at some place places I couldn't connect to the story completely while reading, this may happened due to the slow narration and rushing ending I guess. I don't know why but while I was reading the story and reaching the end of it I felt like the author might had writer's block that time because the story was not aligned as perfectly as it was in the beginning, if it was then the story would be a full 5 star from my end. Other than that I like everything in this book especially the storyline and the plot.

If you are someone who loves to read a woman's contemprory fiction then this book is for you. This book is solid 4 stars from me. 

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