Book Review: Summer of 93 by Archana Somvanshi

'Summer of 93' written by Archana Somvanshi is a book having a nostalgic title, the cover image compliments both the title and the story presented in it.

The main reason for me choosing this book is its emotional blurb and the title. We all used to feel something was missing in today's life despite having everything, that 'something' is a 'nostalgic life' and through this book, it is been fulfilled.

This book has many characters and each plays a vital role in this story. Though,  the story is about the siblings named Anju, Mantu, and Bunty. Along with the trio Saraswati, Janki Devi, Kashinath, etc. also play a major role in the plot. The trio of siblings arrives at their ancestral village to meet people and learn about the family's past which happened in the 1970s. There, they meet Kashinath who has a deep impact on the happenings in 1976. The more they know about their family's past, the more trouble arrives to them. Despite of that how did they overcome all these was the brief outline of the story.

This is a thrilling story with a twisted and suspense-filled plot. Even though this is a fictional book, it feels realistic while reading due to its characters. I like how each character was developed, even their conversations reflect the 1990s era. This story has love, curiosity, memories, nostalgia, sadness, etc. in it. The narration has ups and downs in its pace, sometimes I sense the story is moving rapidly and sometimes it travels at an average speed. This is quite a heavy book with close to three hundred and twenty-plus pages, with simple and easy word choices. The idea of providing an English translation of the non-English words was highly appreciated. This idea will benefit all native English readers. For this summer, this book feels so similar with its village-based story plot and the year where the story is happening. 

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